Thursday, 23 February 2012

Ferrari - Desperation? Intelligence? Radical? Or Something Else?

It's been no secret that Ferrari have had a torrid few years for whatever reason. It's also no secret that they need 2012 to be a success for the team. In this short article we look at the key changes to this years car, that may or may not make a difference to how the season will go for them.

We all know by now that most cars look somewhat ugly, mainly due to the noses, but as you've already read (in the Tom Webb interview, if you haven't read it, you must), they look and sound like Formula One cars already, now they've been round the track a few times.

Ferrari have made some major changes to their car, away from the enforced changes that I want to bring your attention to this morning. Have a read and make your own mind up, are these, as the title suggests, Genius or Desperation. So, here, without further ado are those major differences between the 2011 and 2012 cars;

Shorter nose despite longer wheelbase.

Nose height optimised to account for new rules but also to optimise airflow under the chassis..

Switched to pull rod suspension at the front for both aero and weight distribution (centre of gravity).

Extreme undercut of the sidepod, including a triangular shaped intake.

The turning vane is unusually large to optimise airflow around sidepoods.

Very different air box intake, muh more of a trianglular this year.

More normal perhaps is the driver position being much more upright, but this was down to a request from Alonso, apparently, so I guess that's one thing out of their control.

You can see from the picture above what the new car looks like and make a decision for yourself. Let the discussion begin! Use the hash tag #ferrarichanges to discuss which part of this articles headline is the most accurate.

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